Please Select An Appointment with Dr. Nachbar

There are 3 appointments with Dr. Nachbar available

Additional appointments available by calling 480-289-5300 during business hours.

There is no charge for a consultation or for making an appointment. However, there is a $50 charge for failing to appear for an appointment scheduled online.

Thus, we will process a credit card authorization, but not a charge, at the time your appointment is made. We will not store your credit card number.

If you appear for your appointment or cancel your appointment (online or by telephone) at least 24 hours in advance, there will be no charge, and the authorization will expire automatically. Only if you do not appear for your appointment will we process the authorization into a charge.

If you would like to make an appointment for a consultation without supplying a credit card number, please call us at 480-289-5300 during regular business hours, and we will be happy to schedule your consultation.

We look forward to meeting you!